Symptoms of Dengue Fever or Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are acute febrile diseases found in the tropics, with a geographical spread similar to malaria. The disease is caused is a viral disease with high fever which is transmitted by mosquitoes to humans. In the vast majority of cases the disease is eight to ten days with the described two peak of fever, then allow the symptoms of dengue fever to slow.
Infection with dengue fever virus can both asymptomatic (especially in primary infections in children under 15) run and a broad range of symptoms and cause even fatal. The susceptibility to a dengue disease is very different from person to person and correlates among others with the genetic surface characteristics (HLA antigens) of (blood) cells. In blacks was a very proven resistant gene, that prevents the penetration of the dengue fever virus in human cells and thus makes it impossible to infection..
Dengue fever mosquitoes |
There is a sudden onset of very high fever and headache and body pain. Here, a noticeable slow pulse is palpable. Also, headache and chills and a metallic taste in the mouth can occur. After a drop in fever, it comes after four days to re-rising fever and a rough surface similar to the rash of measles. Also, lymph node swelling occur. The third stage is characterized by symptoms have subsided, the recovery may take several weeks.
In rare cases there are complications. The so-called hemorrhagic dengue fever, also known as dengue shock syndrome is rare, but very afraid. It usually occurs in infants and young children. But even in adults who were sick ever been to a dengue fever, may occur during this life-threatening form. This can lead to massive bleeding disorders with severe bleeding from skin and mucous membranes. Often these complications accompanied by a drop in blood pressure and circulatory collapse ..
If there is an infection, the disease begins after an incubation period of 4-7 days. There are two forms:
- Classic dengue fever (DF): After entering the bloodstream through the mosquito bite Dengue viruses are increasing preference in macrophages (white blood cells, "scavenger cells") migrate to the lymph nodes via lymphatic vessels and certain organs, where the viruses in Cells to multiply. After this phase, the patient is viremic (virus in the blood) and it can be detected up to a million viruses per milliliter of blood. The viremia lasts 4-5 days. Besides Macrophages are the endothelial cells (cells of the blood vessel wall) and possibly Bone marrow cells target the dengue viruses. On 1 or 2 Erkrankungstag can pass one-of, macular rash (spot-like rash) of the extremities occur. DC time reveals a curve with flu-like fever, headache and severe joint and muscle pain (myalgia) or bone pain ("bone crusher fever"), are characteristic Back pain. The fever may last 6-7 days or less take a biphasic course. Here, the fever rises high in the first 3-4 days (40 ° C), decreases in the following 2 days of heavy sweating and increases from 7 Days strongly again. Overall, the DF is relatively mild (sometimes lengthy) and heals without complications.
- Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS): When people with pre-existing antibodies to a first DF-disease, a secondary infection with a different dengue virus serotype to cause an immunological overreaction. This cross-react the same antibody against the first serotype with the new serotype, without However, to initiate the immune response and prevent infection. This is the dengue Virus facilitates the entry into the macrophages and causes a rapid increase. In addition, dengue viruses have different virulence (aggressiveness of the disease), which periodically can appear larger epidemics. With highly virulent strains, it may even, Found that even a primary infection can cause DHF
The doctor prescribed painkillers, which act at the same fever. By fatigue, the patients tend to drink too little. By simultaneously sweating may soon result in a lack of fluids. It is therefore advisable to drink a lot. For complicated histories a medical treatment in hospital may be required. One can only treat symptomatically, that is fighting the symptoms of dengue fever.
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