What is Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

What is DHF?. This sentence is a question for us when we see many cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Dengue fever is a viral disease with high fever which is transmitted by mosquitoes to humans. The dengue virus belongs to the family of flaviviruses (Flaviviridae; Latin flavus yellow) and family across the Arboviruses (arthropod-borne viruses) are counted. These include all Viruses that multiply in blood-sucking arthropods and Vertebrate animals and humans may be transmitted. Main ranges are the tropics and subtropics. Dengue virus infection continues to increase in prevalence. Each year  in the world, it is estimated there are 500,000 cases of dengue fever.

Mosquito bite
Dengue viruses consist of a lipid membrane, which is a nucleocapsid surrounds (helical protein coat), and have a diameter of 40-60 nm. The genome within the capsid is a positive, single-stranded RNA (einsegmentig) of approximately 10.7 kb (kilobases) size.

In 1944 Albert Sabin and J. Schlesinger identified the dengue virus from blood of infected soldiers. In Germany country , the disease occurs are particular to Thailand from returning tourists. There are reported annually to the 200 cases. Thus, to bring the dengue fever, the most common viral disease that travelers from the tropics.

Is the transmitting mosquitoes (mosquitoes) of the genus Aedes aegypti is also available in large cities. They are active at any time of day. Smallest collection of water they are sufficient as a breeding place, with high temperatures lead to a strong and fast propagation. As a result, epidemics (mass infections) occur of dengue  haemorrhagic fever.

Especially children in so-called endemic areas (areas where dengue fever is indigenous) disease is often difficult. In Asia, dengue fever for the high infant mortality rate is partly responsible.

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